Tuesday 14 June 2011

Nikon D90 Mode Dial

1. portrait:  Portrait mode is for taking sharp pictures of people while he back is out of focus
2. Landscape: landscape takes 
3. Macro: this mode is for closing up  on things like flowers and small stuff
4. Action: action is for fast moving things like for sports 
5. night portrait: night portrait takes good photos at night
6. Auto: Automatic mode does all the work for you :) 

1. Manual  2. Aperture   3. shutter  4. Program

Tuesday 10 May 2011

About Social Networking

Social Networking is fun you can socialise with people all over the world for free and talk to your friend and expand your business,
Wikipedia describes social networking as A social network is an Web-based social networking occurs through a variety of websites that allow users to share content, interact and develop communities around similar interests.
.Facebook is the number 1 social network nowdays it has More than 500 million active users
.The second one would be Twitter about 200 million accounts are on Twitter now
.The 3rd one would be Hi5  Hi5 has 100,000 users
 3 benefits of social networking is
1.free communications
2.stay connected with your friends/family
3.expanding your company

2 Problems with Social Networking

1. people can stalk you and get great infomation from your profile like where you live ^_^!
2.your boss can find out what you were doing that day you missed work :D

Friday 6 May 2011

Digital SLR Basics

Here's some information about DSLR camera's that were discussing in class today' The Single Lens part means that what you see when you look through the viewfinder, and the picture that gets captured,use the same lens.
A SLR  is an acronym: it stands for Single Lens Reflex
  • With an SLR camera, you see exactly what the lens sees
  • You can change the lens on a digital SLR
  • Digital SLRs have large image sensors that produce high-quality photos
  • An SLR has a near-zero lag time, and is ideal for action photography
what exposure is: In photography exposure' means the amount of light that falls onto the sensor of your camera.
4 thins that distinguish a DSLR from a standard digital camera is
1. bigger lenses
2.the ability to provide control to the photographer
3.the DSLR has a actual shutter that opens and closes to expose the sensor
4.can take long range picture with great quality

Friday 1 April 2011

Digital Media Device Practical

we learn many thing about media and takeing pictures the last couple of days we learn that if you leave the flash on even day time it will make your picture look much better :) . we have a digital camera in the class i never used it o.0 but it looks cool and it takes nice pictures from what i have seen on Gav's computer :P , i did some presentations and stuff and i learnt that takeing pictures is fun. bye blog readers i gotta go now cya later

Opening Blog

hi blog readers gosh signing up was pain in the XXX put i finelly signed up :) this exercise was easyer then other things like the st.patricks presantion :D lol anyway bye blog readers i will post more stuff later make sure to follow me :)